About Fay and Fluffy

Based in Toronto

Drag stars Fay Slift + Fluffy Soufflé have been doing drag story times since June 2016. They have been fortunate to do so many local events at some of Toronto’s biggest cultural institutions, as well as hit the road to adventures beyond the city. Their special events focus on books, songs and include lots of laughs to show that Reading is FUN-damental! They especially want to support families with LGBTQ2S parent(s) and gender variant children, and read culturally diverse books, by providing a supportive and inclusive environment focused on fun. Everyone is welcome!

JP (Fay) + Kaleb (Fluffy) are both drag performers and experienced child educators. By day JP is an educator with the TDSB. Kaleb is currently an independent Cultural Producer (DJ, performer, event host…), but is also a child care provider, and has worked as a “manny” for years, as well as formerly running a home daycare called the Trail Mix Playgroup (cuz we’re a little nutty but we’re good for you).